Tracking Widget

Allow your customers to track their orders directly on your website

Use our widget to allow people to track packages on your website

You can see an example of how the widget works below.

Instructions for integrating the widget into your site.

1. Insert the following code between the <head> and </head> tags on the page of your website

2. Next, place the following code in the part of the page where you want to see the widget.

3. That's it, now visitors of your shop or website can track their packages.

Widget customization

The widget can specify the styles of your choice to match the design of your site. Styles must be passed as query params to the widget's link, which is specified in the src attribute.

You can customize the widget with the following styles:

  • textButton - button text
  • fontButton - button font, for example: italic bold 15px arial,serif
  • fontSizeButton - button font-size
  • trackingNumber - pre-fill input with tracking number
  • backgroundColorButton - the background color of the button
  • borderButton - the border of the button
  • borderRadiusButton - the border radius of the button
  • colorButton - button text color
  • placeholder - placeholder of the input field
  • borderRadiusInput - border radius of the input field
  • borderInput - border of input field
  • widgetWrapBorder - widget border
  • widgetWrapBorderRadius - widget border radius

Example: AWB